CALCIVIS® Corporate Forum
2024 Yankee Dental congress
January 25th-27th 2024
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
Booth #1918
Event Recap
Course 1:
Thursday January 25th, 10am – 12pm
Elevate Your Office: Navigating Modern Prevention Protocols
This course is designed to empower dental professionals with the latest insights and strategies for prevention care, protocol establishment, effective patient & inter-office communication, and a mindset shift from traditional to modern models. Emphasis will be placed on elevating the value of dental hygienists through the integration of new technologies and innovations. Protocols will be shared that create a winning proposition for the practice and patient. Participants will learn to foster a cohesive team dynamic, ensuring collective alignment towards success.
Learning Objectives:
- Promote a comprehensive understanding of preventive dentistry and its significance in modern dental practice.
- Utilize evidenced-based methodologies to review emerging technologies.
- Evaluate and integrate innovative technologies along with effective practice protocols for preventive care
- Elevate patient education by utilizing verbal, visual, and digital communication tools for a comprehensive learning experience.
- Analyze case studies and real-world scenarios to apply course concepts in practical, clinical settings.
- Develop a personalized action plan for implementing course learnings in participants’ respective dental practices.
Laura Bettencourt, BSDH, RDH
Danielle Avila
Flora Couper
Course 2:
Saturday January 27th, 2:30pm – 3:30pm
A New Perspective on Caries Management: Seeing is Believing!
In this course, three experts from the field of cariology, practice-based preventive dentistry and dental hygiene will review the scientific foundation for caries prevention and appropriate therapeutic agents; evidence-based decision-making to treat or not-to-treat; and recently approved bioluminescent imaging to determine caries lesion activity status. Bioluminescence uses a photoprotein to show Calcium ions as they are shed from a demineralizing tooth surface and as such will help indicate graphically the lesion activity status which together with other risk assessment data will inform the clinician and patient as to the appropriate level of prevention or intervention. Short-term chairside experience will be presented together with ideas for incorporating this technology into the office workflow for the caries-risk patient. This novel technology adds objective data and helps inform the clinician and patient whether prevention has worked or not.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand current scientific and clinical thinking around caries activity and its implications for caries management
- Develop preventive regimens that are both effective and adaptable
- Identify preventive agents and therapeutics, and describe their indications
- Employ caries activity status in clinical decision-making to apply preventive protocols or early-intervention techniques
- Interpret bioluminescent images to determine caries activity status and outcomes of preventive and early intervention therapies
- Utilize bioluminescent images in patient counselling and education to develop understanding of caries risk and the roles of both patient and clinician in successful outcomes
- Understand how to incorporate bioluminescent imaging into the office workflow with minimal disruption to patient scheduling